Tips On How To Be The Best Cook You Can Be

By Carina Helen Sanchez

If you get into the habit of preparing meals all the time, it could become a very boring experience. Give your food new flavor by using new spices, roasting vegetables you've never cooked and new ways for preparing your favorite cut of meat. Cooking is not only about preparing food, it is also about having fun and bonding with your family. Here are a few great tips on cooking to help get you going.

If you want to have flavorful dishes, try to create your own stock. It is possible to utilize resealable bags to store any excess in the freezer if you prepare large quantities. By doing this, you'll always have great tasting homemade stock when you desire to create soups or other types of dishes. Homemade soup stock or bullion is a wonderful way to eliminate high sodium and preservatives that are present in commercially made products from your diet.

Do your prep work to save cooking time. You can frequently get your ingredients ready one or two days before you cook your meal. There are many occasions where longer prep times actually lend a more flavorful touch to your meal. Once you get in the habit of advanced prep, you may never return.

Keep your spices and herbs in a dry, cool, dark place. Spices quickly lose their flavor when they are exposed to excessive light, humidity, or heat. This will overexpose your spices to heat and cause them to lose flavor.

You can make remarkably flavorful dishes by making your stock yourself. You can cook it in large batches, pour the extra batches into plastic freezer bags, and then simply store them in the freezer. Doing so will provide you with an abundance of custom, home-produced stock, readily available for creating soups and other dishes. If you make your own stock, it will be much healthier and not loaded with preservatives.

Keep butter or oil used to a minimum when sauteing. It will add too much moisture, which steams the food and doesn't allow it to saute or get crispy. Remember, sauteing is always done at low temperatures.

To add some interest to an ear of corn or a dinner roll, make a flavored butter. Pull the butter out of the fridge a few minutes before serving it so that it softens. Try incorporating some herbs and spices to spice up the flavor of the corn. Try BBQ, chipotles, lemon juice or honey.

You should let your cooking wait until all the necessary preparations are complete. If you do so, you'll save on electricity by not running an oven that you aren't yet using. You are also adding a measure of safety by not getting distracted with another task and forgetting about a hot pan on the stove.

Implementing these tips will make cooking easy and enjoyable. As you practice your culinary skills, you will learn that home cooking saves you money and allows you to prepare tasty food exactly the way you like it. Homemade meals also promote healthier eating habits for the entire household. Follow these suggestions to have meals that taste much better.

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