Paleo Dishes - They Are Not Difficult To Make

By Maria Renouf

Because it is easy to devise tasty Paleo dishes - they are not difficult to cook for the family. Many people are now adopting the Paleo diet. This is mainly because, genetically, humans are much the same now as our cavemen ancestors. A similar diet should be the most natural way to eat. Those who follow Paleo guidelines try to emulate the foods that their ancestors had access to.

The Paleo diet is more than just a weight-loss programme. Many people are now following the guidelines because they find they have more energy and have less health problems. Our ancestors lived on a diet of mostly meat and fish. If unable to catch an animal or fish, eggs, mushrooms, vegetables, seeds, fruit and even insects would have been consumed.

Dairy products were unknown. Animals had not been domesticated so there were no cows or goats to milk. Grains would have been eaten only when food was very scarce. The diet of the time was adequate as fish and meat were high in protein and the other foodstuffs provided vitamins and minerals.

Today, grass- or range-fed meats are best. Grain-fed animals have very small amounts of Omega 3 fatty acids in their make-up. Antibiotics and other supplements are also fed to confined animals. As regards other products, buy organic foods were possible. For cooking purposes, animal fats such as tallow or lard should be used. Olive oil or coconut oil is also recommended. Pure water is advocated as the best drink to have.

Very few changes need to be made to many meals. Breakfasts can be any of the staple egg dishes. By using coconut and/or almond flour instead of white flour, a variety of crepes, muffins and pancakes can be made. Most soups are allowed. Substitute coconut cream for dairy cream in creamed soups. Frittata is another great Paleo dish.

Omit potato from your meals. Sweet potato makes a delicious substitute. Although nuts are allowed, limit the amount you eat if you are hoping to lose weight. Nuts are often included in baked goods and salads. Peanuts are a legume, not a nut and should be avoided. Baked items should generally be eaten sparingly. Meat, seafood and poultry recipes usually need little alteration.

If you love your sweets, consider coconut ice cream or any dishes with fruit. When baking, coconut and almond flour can be used instead of white flours. Because it is easy to concoct tasty Paleo dishes - they are not difficult to make for the family. The reward will be a much healthier body.

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